Move to cloud

Move-to-cloud, speed up your digital transformation and innovate faster while having access to the latest technologies.

The migration of any part of your operations to the cloud has several advantages for your company, but it isn’t risk-free.

Our approach consists in assessing extensively your current systems, grasping your strategic priorities, and identifying potential risks. By closely working with your teams, we design a migration roadmap that meets your specific needs and expectations, by choosing various strategies: it could be a complete “lift and shift” migration, a partial rework or a hybrid deployment. Through all of this process, we especially pay attention to securing your application, respecting compliance, optimizing costs and adapting easier to changes.

  • Transitioning complexity: Already existing IT architectures are usually complex and specific to each company because they were designed to meet your very own goals and needs. The migration requires implementing a strategy that ensures the well-functioning of your current systems in the cloud environment.
  • Security and compliance: The stakes linked to data security and regulatory compliance are essential. We make sure that all safety measures are well set and that the migration is in compliance with the norms and laws in effect.
  • Costs and budget: even though the cloud is more economical in the long run, the transition implies initial costs that must be perfectly assessed and reasoned.
  • Performance and availability: We ensure maintaining applications in an operational state as well as the availability of services during, and following the migration process.
  • Resisting to change: The migration process is usually confronted with internal resistance, since it usually means reviewing a number of processes and retraining the IT teams. Harington also accompanies you to carry through the whole changing process.

Our Move to Cloud service offering is based on an incremental approach that aims to support your company towards fully exploiting the power, flexibility, and savings that cloud computing can bring to you. Harington brings you the best of its expertise to make your migration to the cloud a lever for growth and an accelerator for innovation.

  • Reducing operational cost by suppressing investments in expensive infrastructures and by only paying for ressources actually exploited.
  • Scalability by adjusting resources to to the demand and tailoring them to your actual needs or a peak of workload
  • Reinforced security via measures, means and tools implemented in cloud platforms to protect your data

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