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Digital Transformation

We are proficient in the main frameworks and programming languages and we implement best practices (agility, DevOps, CI/CD pipeline automation, QA) to deliver products of impeccable quality to you.


In a world where technologies and market ecosystems are evolving rapidly, agility and efficiency of product development have become absolute necessities for businesses that aim to stay ahead of the curve. At Harington, implementing a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline is not simply an option, but a strategic imperative.

A multiplied force of innovation and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes.

Reduction of costs and development & operational timelines.

Improvement in the quality and reliability of software and applications.

Harington accompanies you in your digital transformation by analyzing your systems, your processes and your current practices in order to maximize them. We advise you in your digital choices (stack) and help you implement a digital roadmap.

  • Cloud natives applications
  • Refactoring or progressive decommissioning of monolithic applications
  • Scaling on upgradable cloud infrastructures

pipeline CICD stack

Do you need reinforcements for your teams or a quote for a new project?

Discover how our digital development expertise can help you set up an effective CI/CD pipeline, transforming the way you develop, test, and deploy software to innovate continuously.

Learn more

What is the Impact of AI on the climate?

Artificial intelligence has become omnipresent in our society, just like the climate emergency. Should we choose between technological innovation and the climate emergency? In reality, although AI has a significant ecological impact and environmental cost, it also carries within it the potential for more sustainable and responsible technologies. Explanation.


The Essentials of CI/CD in 2024 : Our selection of the best tools

Discover our selection of the best CI/CD tools for 2024 and how Jenkins X, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and others can transform your agile development and software delivery.


Index 2024 gender equality between women and men

Harington has progressed by 4 points compared to 2023 and continues to pursue its improvement goals, especially in areas where the company received lower ratings.