Index 2024 gender equality between women and men

Harington earns an overall score of 79/100 on Gender Equality Index

Levallois-Perret, February 27, 2024

Harington is pleased to announce that it has achieved a score of 79/100 on the Gender Equality Index 2024, representing a 4-point improvement from 2023. The company is particularly proud of its progress on the following indicators where it had previously received low scores:

  • Increase in the number of female employees in the year following their return from maternity leave (score of 0 points out of 15)
  • Number of employees from the underrepresented sex among the 10 highest-paid employees (score of 5 points out of 10)
  • To a lesser extent, the pay gap between men and women (score of 39 out of 40)

The Gender Equality Index is a tool that evaluates the level of equality between men and women within a company based on 100 points and the following criteria:

  • Gender pay gap
  • Gap in individual raise rates
  • Number of female employees who receive a raise upon returning from maternity leave
  • Parity among the 10 highest-paid employees

It is important to note that the digital sector remains one where women are underrepresented. They account for only 30% of employees in all professions. In some cases, the proportion falls even below 20%, as is the case for ICT specialists according to the 2020 DESI report. Moreover, the higher the hierarchical level, the fewer women are represented. Only 18.5% of managers are women according to in 2019.