Software excellence, best development practices

As new technologies evolve at a rapid pace, it is essential for our teams to stay at the forefront, apply best practices, and adopt exemplary methods. This allows us to design high-quality software and applications, continuously improve our efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure complete customer satisfaction. At Harington, we are convinced that ongoing training for our developers in best practices is crucial to maintaining our leadership position in the technology industry.


At Harington, here are the best practices of our developers

Craftsmanship is an approach to développement logiciel Craftsmanship is an approach to software development that emphasizes quality, mastery, and pride in a job well done. It involves creating well-designed, robust, and maintainable software over time, using best practices and committing to producing work of impeccable quality.

Avantages :

  • More reliable software and less prone to errors
  • Code that is easier to understand and modify
  • Reduction in maintenance costs
  • Increased satisfaction among developers and clients

Code quality:

Quality code is the foundation upon which every successful project rests. By training our developers in the principles of Clean Code and Software Craftsmanship, we ensure they write code that is not only functional but also maintainable, extensible, and understandable by other developers.

Refactoring practices and code reviews:

These practices help to continuously improve existing code and detect errors before they become major issues. Pair programming is also encouraged to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing.

L’agilité Agility is at the core of our development process, enabling our teams to quickly adapt to evolving needs and priorities. By adopting agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban, we ensure close collaboration with our clients and continuous delivery of value.


  • Increased responsiveness to changes
  • Better collaboration between teams and with clients
  • Frequent and iterative delivery of features
  • Continuous improvement of processes and products

Sprints and daily meetings :

Through sprints, we divide the work into short, manageable development cycles, allowing for regular assessment of progress and necessary adjustments. Daily meetings (stand-ups) promote communication and coordination within the team, ensuring that everyone is aligned on goals and priorities.

Retrospectives and continuous improvement:

Regular retrospectives allow the team to reflect on what worked well and what can be improved, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By identifying obstacles and adjusting our working methods, we ensure that we remain at the forefront of efficiency and quality.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are essential practices at Harington for automating and improving the software development process. These practices enable rapid detection of errors, reduce risks, and ensure fast and reliable delivery of features.


  • Rapid detection of errors and bugs
  • Reduction of deployment risks
  • Acceleration of development and delivery cycles
  • Improvement in the quality of the final product

Continuous Integration pipelines :

CI pipelines automate the building, testing, and integration of code. Each code change is automatically tested and integrated, allowing for early detection of errors and maintaining high-quality code.

Continuous Delivery deployments :

CD automates the deployment of applications at each stage, from development to production. This allows for frequent and reliable deployments, reducing the risks of human error and ensuring that new features are delivered quickly to end users.

Monitoring and feedback :

Ongoing monitoring of applications in production allows for the rapid detection and resolution of issues. Feedback from users and monitoring systems is integrated into the development process for continuous improvements..

DevSecOps : Security at the heart of development

DevSecOps integrates security into every stage of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that applications are not only functional and quick to deploy but also secure from the outset. At Harington, we adopt a proactive approach to security to protect our clients’ data and systems.

Avantages :

  • Strengthening security from the earliest stages of development
  • Reducing vulnerabilities and security risks
  • Better compliance with standards and regulations
  • Rapid detection and correction of security flaws

Integration of security into CI/CD pipelines :

Automated security tests are integrated into our CI/CD pipelines, allowing vulnerabilities to be detected and corrected as soon as they appear. This ensures that each version of the code is secure before being deployed.

Training and awareness :

We train our developers in best security practices and raise awareness of potential threats. This includes ongoing training on new vulnerabilities and code security techniques.

Monitoring and incident response :

Continuous monitoring of applications and infrastructure allows us to quickly detect anomalies and potential attacks. A rapid response to security incidents minimizes impacts and strengthens our clients’ trust.

At Harington, we are committed to adopting and promoting best practices in software development to ensure high-quality, secure products that meet our clients’ needs. In addition to the approaches detailed above, we incorporate other essential practices :

  • Version control: Using version control systems such as Git ( to track changes to the code and revert to previous versions in case of issues.
  • Unit and integration tests: Ensuring that each component of the software functions correctly and that the components integrate properly with each other.