Conducting an IT carbon footprint assessment: IT departments in the era of environmental responsibility.

CIOs, you are the architects of your company’s digital revolution. Your mission? Propel the organization towards operational excellence and competitiveness. However, this technological advancement comes at a price: a growing carbon footprint and budgetary pressures.

The time for choosing between performance and responsibility is over. Responsible digital practices are a strategic asset, the key to transforming these challenges into opportunities. It is a tool to reduce your environmental impact while optimizing your IT costs.

The global digital sector alone is responsible for 7% of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the aviation industry!


Why conduct an IT carbon footprint assessment ?

Conducting an IT carbon footprint assessment has become a necessity for any company that wishes to control its environmental impact while preserving its economic performance. Indeed, it allows companies to meet increasing regulatory requirements, drive an ambitious CSR strategy, identify the most relevant action levers, improve the company’s image and reputation, and raise employee awareness of the environmental issues related to digital technology.

How to conduct an IT carbon footprint assessment with Harington Impact ?

Harington Impact offers a rigorous methodology and suitable tools to conduct your IT carbon footprint assessment. Our Impact experts support you at each step of the process:

Harington Impact helps you clearly define the scope of your IT carbon footprint assessment, taking into account your specific needs and constraints. Specifically, we:

périmètre bilan carbone dsi


  1. Analysis of IT infrastructures: Inventory of equipment (servers, computers, peripherals), assessment of data centers and server rooms, review of networks and telecommunications.
  2. Evaluation of digital usage: Analysis of energy consumption related to software and applications, study of remote work practices and digital mobility.
  3. Consideration of company-specific factors: Adaptation to the size and industry sector, integration of specific regulatory constraints.
  4. Definition of the organizational scope: Identification of subsidiaries and partners to include, determination of relevant scopes 1, 2, and 3 for IT.

We also assist you in defining realistic and measurable (SMART) objectives for your greenhouse gas reduction efforts.

Developing an action plan is a key step in implementing a responsible digital strategy. This phase begins with identifying priority action levers, allowing for targeting areas where efforts will have the most impact. This is followed by proposing suitable technical solutions, such as server virtualization or energy optimization of data centers, aimed at concretely reducing the carbon footprint of the IT infrastructure. To ensure effective implementation, a detailed roadmap is established, clearly defining the project’s steps and deadlines.

At the same time, implementing a monitoring system is essential to ensure the long-term success of the approach. This system relies on selecting measurement and reporting tools that are suited to the company’s specificities and environmental goals. These tools allow for the continuous collection and analysis of relevant data. Additionally, defining a frequency for monitoring and adjusting objectives ensures a dynamic management of the project, enabling quick responses to changes and maintaining the course towards a more sustainable IT.

This approach allows Harington Impact to provide tailored support, ensuring that the IT carbon footprint assessment is both comprehensive and perfectly suited to the company’s realities, while setting ambitious yet achievable reduction goals.

We provide you with tools and resources to facilitate the collection of data needed for your IT carbon footprint assessment. We can also assist you in setting up an efficient data collection system to ensure regular monitoring of your emissions.

Harington Impact advises you on selecting the calculation methodology best suited to your context. We ensure the use of recognized and transparent methodologies to guarantee the reliability of your results, such as:

  • GHG Protocol : Widely used international standard
  • Bilan Carbone® de l’ADEME : Recognized French method
  • ISO 14064 : International standard for greenhouse gas quantification
  • ITU-T L.1420 : Specific to information and communication technologies (ICT)

Harington Impact calculates your GHG emissions by applying the chosen methodology and using the collected data. We provide you with a detailed report presenting the results of your IT carbon footprint assessment.

We assist you in analyzing the results of your IT carbon footprint assessment. Harington Impact helps you identify major sources of emissions and understand the most relevant levers to activate in order to reduce your environmental footprint.

Harington Impact helps you develop a concrete and effective action plan to reduce your GHG emissions. We offer tailored solutions adapted to the specific needs of your company.

We assist you in monitoring your progress and communicating your results to the relevant stakeholders, and we help you highlight your commitment to responsible digital transition.

In the race towards a responsible digital transition, the IT carbon footprint assessment is your springboard to environmental excellence. Harington Impact positions itself as your preferred partner in this crucial process.

Our strength? In-depth expertise, a proven methodology, and innovative tools to provide you with a precise IT carbon footprint assessment tailored to your organization.

But we go beyond the numbers. Our in-depth analysis gives meaning to your results to identify the most impactful levers for action. Together, we build an effective emission reduction strategy, grounded in the reality of your business and aligned with your resources.

At Harington Impact, we are driven by a conviction: digital technology must be a catalyst for sustainability. It is this vision that drives us to propel you towards a responsible and high-performing digital future.

Contact us today to discuss your needs and find out how Harington Impact can help you achieve a successful IT carbon footprint assessment and reduce your environmental impact.

Tools and resources

Contact us today to discuss your needs and discover how Harington Impact can help you achieve a successful IT carbon footprint assessment and reduce your environmental impact.